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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dogs And Bitches

Terence Wang has set out on a quest to explain the differences between bitches and.... bitches.

So... ok. Ermmm... I know! Let's play video games!!!


Go away, fool. Sorry dudes, that was me.com(Blog Editor) and that dog just butted in like that... I'm going to *@#$%^ him and...


me.com and Myself a.k.a. Gangsta, both of you, Shut Up. You know I do the talking. And writing. (Turns to me.com) You know you're supposed to be doing editing.

Myself a.k.a Gangsta: "Hey kid, I don't get nothin' to do, man! I..."

(Interrupt) And you always mess things up. So get the hell outta here, both of you.


Phew. Back to business.

So, we all know dogs.

They're, well, mammals. With fur. And wings.
That wasn't right.  Oh, God.

Anyway, since I'm an animal lover, I love dogs. They're loyal, fun and have many other good qualities, as mentioned in my Men and Women, Dogs and Cats post.

Now to tell them apart from bitches.

One definition of "bitch" here is: female dog. The other definition, is, er...

That. Hey, Google listed them as bitch.

Clearly, this is rather confusing. This is because when a person says "the word", you don't know which he/she means. And if you asks whether he/she is talking about the second definition, you will be accused of being perverted or something.

But first, a little more explanation on the differences of the two "bitches".

The first one walks on four legs and is covered with fur; The second one will never be caught with either of that.

The first one loves toys, bones, etc.; The second one is crazy about clothes, shoes and Robert Pattinson. Yes, the idiot with bad hair.

The first one(s) are generally the same in terms of behaviour while the second one can range from anything between nice and friendly to being so fussy and bitchy(lol) that you want to grab (it or her?) and scream at it/her. But no, you can't; you'll be accused of attempted murder. And rape. And everything else. Because the world is very protective of them.

Where was I? Oh yes. The conclusion. There's only one way to seperate them, and for once I came up with a logical idea: Let only one of them be called bitch.

I propose the second one.

Terence Wang (I, not me.com, not Myself a.k.a. Gangsta) has continues his argument with Myself a.k.a. Gangsta. They have not reached a conclusion. - me.com, Blog Editor

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cycling (Community Message pt. 2)

This is a community message to encourage people to exercise, brought to you by the blog admin on behalf of N.E.R.D. Incorporated.
The bicycle is one of the most important transportation tools in the world. Besides the car. And the space hopper.

My bike; my father's bike behind, it's brakes are useless

Now, every mode of transportation can be turned into a hobby. Many like driving. Many like motorcycling(Mat Rempit?) and many like... Cycling.

I'm one of them.

To make it clear, this community meassage is about getting people who don't like to exercise - example: nerds, those who are obese, etc - to exercise. And to do that, I have to present activities that are fun and not to hard to do. And I believe cycling is one of them.

Cycling really is a joy. You pedal off, feeling yourself going faster and faster. The wind blows into your face, adding into your adrenaline rush. The stunning view adds to your pleasure...

Do I sound like a bike salesman? :P Allright then, I'll get harsh.

Like all things except God, this hobby does have drawbacks. First is the learning process. Unless you're the guy from Mars who does crazy stunts in his UFO to startle us Earthlings, you will almost definitely fall a million times, all of which you will end up with severe head, hand, leg and kidney damage. Ok, maybe not the last one.

And when you grow older, it gets worse. First, your parents will feel that "it's too dangerous for our child to go further away than 15 metres without adult supervision". And when they do grant you permission, there's your annoying little brother to take care of, who always hears your instructions wrongly, almost gets hit by traffic every time and causes you to almost have a hard attack -and make you want to scream to your parents "THERE'S NO WAY I CAN TAKE CARE OF HIM!!!"

Not to mention the fact that he can't travel far, so your permission to go further is useless anyway.

But you know what? I don't care.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The FIFA World Cup

Yes, yes, I know it ended ten thousand years ago. (at least, that's how fast news goes by)

And I most definitely know I Totally Regret staying up to watch a BORING(but tense) final, causing me to lose sleep. Oh, and only getting average in Sejarah. Damn.

But such an important thing cannot be missed by this blog's committee. Oh yes, this blog has a committee, consisting of I, me and myself. And we voted to add it in, so what can I say?  :)

First of all, congratulations to Spain for winning the world cup, and for that octopus - Paul is the only octopus I found cute - for predicting correctly. Although I was supporting Netherlands. Because I didn't want Spain to win. Because... oh please shut the ******* mouth up; I have my reasons.

Even though The World Cup brings so much joy and celebration, there are reasons to worry. One is this:

"Oh come on come on Robert Green stop that ball.. what the...(speechless) How the HELL did you not get that ball, you idiot?! Oh wait, maybe it's the bookies."

That's what I mean. The bookies.

They take away the fun of the match, making it dictated by:


It's not fair. Not fair to us, not fair to the other players who didn't take the bait, not fair to FIFA, not fair to everyone but themselves. And the stupid bookies.

Another problem:
"What... why is the office empty? Only 3 people?!" "Aiya boss, World Cup what."

I don't think I need to explain that.

Still, to give it credit, it's a fabulous show/game. Even though I don't follow football - who cares if Wayne Rooney has a leg that's going to explode - but watching it just pulls you deeper and deeper. And football is a nice game. No, Myself, you are not to argue. I'm sure you'll agree, Me. No, not me, Me. And Myself. You know, the committee?

P.S.: "Thanks a lot", Pn. Cock/ Ah Lim for setting exam on the day after the World Cup. I'm sure you did it on purpose. what, you want the pleasure of the World Cup taken from us. No way. I watched it, so there.

Terence Wang is "definitely not" applying that the above names are refering to two of the school admins. Oh no... that would be dangerous disrespectful.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Note to Readers #3

I was going to do part 2 of the community message, but let's just say that something rather... important came up. It is the most dreaded, awful thing that all Malaysian(or even global) students face, and detest.

It goes by the name of Exam.

Yes, Jit Sin's 3rd exam has arrived, in a record-setting 3 weeks after the second one. Once again, damn those idiots who think that they can get away with everything thank ou to our school admins who "kindly and thoughtfully"made the duration between exams so short so that we can't(and don't need to) learn anything in between.

Once again, good luck to everyone else who will be facing this terror, including the Form 3's that are (I think) going through the PMR trial exam. All the best!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tag (Community Message pt. 1)

This is a community message to encourage people to exercise, brought to you by the blog admin on behalf of N.E.R.D. Incorporated.

Tag: A game in which one person chases the rest to catch them by touching or grabbig hold of them. The person(s) that doesn't get caught wins. If everyone is caught, the 'catcher' wins.
Tag is also known as chase, catch, 追逐,and others.
P.S.: Tag originated from the word 'ta'. ;)

But of course you all knew that already, right?

I'll be honest; I love being chased. I do it everyday. All you need is an empty stomach, enough energy, some friends and you're good to go. You can do it anywhere, any time!

You can be chased by anything...
 Be anything(to be chased)...
Heck, even Johny Depp loved the game.
But I personally loved being chased by...
Regular readers will know that I actually mean Lim Jia Yon.
Sometimes we'll play it alone; sometimes with some other friends.

Even if your friends are unwilling, there's a method that I always use:
Hit their head hard with your biggest file. They'll probably start chasing.

There are many things to love about it. I love the 'high' feeling of being chased. I love how I have to cautiously go around every corner, not knowing whether the predator is lying in wait. I love running and running and purposely waiting for my opponent to catch up, just to see his hopeless, tired expression.

Of course, there are dangers in this sport, especially if you play it in school(which most people do). You will worry about falling. You will worry about crashing into people, especially those of the opposite sex. You will worry how your shirt is going to be wetter than K.L. on a rainy day and be more smelly than your neighbour's dog.

But I don't care. I love it, and for those who don't like sports. try it. You'll love it too.

Terence Wang is always afraid that Jia Yon is just around the corner. However, he'll probably never stop playing tag.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Tribute to Our Lower Concourse

The lower concouse.

It was a spacious, airy place for us to chill when we were too free, tired or when being chased. By aquatic animals.

Taken for granted for a very long time, this place was nevertheless an important part of the school, especially since it was a cooler place next to the library, which wouldn't be opened until IT class started anyway, so it was a bit stupid.

But as always, our school administration tends to do idiotic things, so they've taken over part of it to become a part of the office. And our beloved lower concourse became the narrow, stuffy place that it is now. I know the scouts feel that a lot:

Grae Sky - 我希望校方可以把lower打回原型,让我们继续用以前的lower...
Candice Kang - I miss my 2nd home...
It's goodbye forever to the old lower concourse.

Because my name's Terence Wang, and because I can't bear to see our place go, here are some facts:

1) Lower concourse has long ben considered student territory, right?

2)If so, then wouldn't this be considered "taking over our land by teachers"?

That's right. For those of you who want our territory back,

We Are Going To WAR.

And no, sorry I don't have ANY plans.
I'm going to get killed by our school admins, aren't I?