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Saturday, March 30, 2013

(More) About Me

Before I start anything, I want to say: you guys are awesome.

No, seriously.

Back in 2012 - yes, I admit it wasn't too long ago - I embarked on my ambitious project for Suburban KID yet. The 'Calling Home' series was actually planned a few months before its conception, and you can (and by 'can' I really mean 'should') read all about it in the link I've provided above, or again here if you're too lazy to move your mouse back up a few inches. I know, I know, I'm soooo nice.

Anyway, back on topic, the series was a relative success, with the articles gaining consistently high views and positive comments all around. What made it all the more better was that the majority of the articles were from guest writers - the first time, in fact, that Suburban KID had used guest writers. Those guest writers were my a few of my very own readers, and that's part of the reason why you guys are awesome.

Yup, part of it. Not all.

That 'Calling Home' was a success was not really surprising, given, like I'd said, it was my most ambitious project for this site. So while I was happy that it came through as well as it did, I wasn't particularly blown away or anything like that.

What shocked me was the success of Guerre Sainte. My second article ever on the always-tricky topic of religion, it was simply a structured piece of all my pent-up thoughts on the said topic; an article which I had long wanted to write (and the content was all in my head), but never really got down to. Until I did, obviously. I expected it to go the course of any other article - get a good number of 'likes', +1s etc, and hopefully generate a bit of discussion.

And I got that. But I did not expect five Facebook shares, a few (number unclear) direct link shares, the highest +1 count I've had so far (bearing in mind my +1 count is usually low), and - actually the only thing I consider truly important - overwhelming supportive feedback.

Be it in comments on Facebook, the statuses that came with those Facebook shares I mentioned above, tweets, a few comments on Google+ (though hilariously none on this blog itself), and even in real life, I received numerous comments, some even going to say that it was "one of my best written articles" thus far.

Wow. Oh wow. I am shocked, I am overwhelmed. Thanks guys (and gals), you rock.

Speaking of glowing feedback, the only criticism I've received more than once is that my articles aren't 'personal'. Which is true: the Personal section on this site is too underused, and the articles I write are long-form, feature-like ones. Because I'm me.

While I will write like how I write, I realize that there's a need sometimes to break out of things a bit. Nothing wrong with having a bit of a personality, no? Helps you understand the guy behind this wall of text you read once every blue moon (or every day, if you stalk this blog).

So this post is dedicated to Jianqing and Jolene, the former who brought the criticism to light and the latter who inspired this post through her "What To Blog About?" post - in which she mentioned (and I was thus reminded) that readers would like to know more of their writers.

Here goes nothing.

I Don't Actually Have 628 Personalities, But It's Pretty Damn Close.

I think one thing everyone should know about me is that I'm a little like Google (which is funny because I'm a fan of the company too).

You see, Google has always stated that what each user receives as their results is a lil' different from others. This is due to their past search patterns, visited sites (when logged into Google), and more.

Similarly, my personality, while at the core remaining the same, is usually mounded on the spot, depending on who I'm interacting with. If you're a 'high', fun person, I'm likely to act that way. If you're a deep intellectual, I'll talk with you about life for three hours (not really). If you like Justin Bieber, I'll...show myself out.

It also makes me look like I have severe mood swings. I can be all #YOLO one moment, and in a dark, manipulative rage the next.

What it means to you: I don't act fake; it's just the way I am. (See above gif) However, if you don't like the way I treat you, best to look in the proverbial mirror before legitimately hating on me.

I Probably Do Have 628 Interests. Or more. Plus or minus.

Yes, I have a boatload of interests...how the hell am I going to pick a degree? Off the top of my head, here are some:

Writing (duh). All forms of literature. Linguistics. Law. Performing arts. All things technology. Design, particularly graphic/logo design. Politics. Social science. History. Philosophy. Data analysis. Economics. Hardware engineering. Urban planning. Media and communications.

You get the idea.

What it means to you: Much easier to get me a birthday gift, since there are so many things I'm interested in! :-D And don't try helping to advise me on my future; I have a rough plan in mind, but I'm already being constantly dragged in all directions.

I Am A Sucker For Good Typography.

So if you come with me with wielding slides filled with Comic Sans, I will a) strangle you b) groan, very loudly.

What it means to you: More Roboto, less Times New Roman.

Talk To Me.

While I can write super-duper long posts about who I am and what I do, I still value IRL chats. So if you want to know me, come up and have a chat! It'll be fun, I promise. There will be no bombs. Or Bengal tigers. I swear.

What it means to you: See above.

That's It For Now.

I'm going to try and make a committed effort to post these sorts of 'personal' posts in the future. Return to my roots, so to speak (and that itself is a whole another blog post). 

I don't have cool ending quotes so...... I'll show myself out.

1 comment :

Gregory Goh said...

Paul Miller! :P