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Friday, October 14, 2011

Random Talk

The following is a conversation between me and a fellow friend and blogger, Amanda NYC on ASEAN, Malaysia and traditional costumes. Find her on her blog at Her Effervescence.

I recently(very!) had a considerably long chat with Amanda, also an ASEAN scholar (Junior College) heading to Singapore next year. It started out normal, but as the issues we turned to are rather relevant to many of you Malaysians out there(doesn't matter if you're not), I decided to compose it into a something...readable for both our blogs.

Friday, October 7, 2011

We've Moved!

You heard that right.

The Suburban KID committee is proud to announce that Suburban KID, which used to be terencewang101.blogspot.com, has now the domain name www.suburbankid.tk, acquired from dot.tk.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Elephant In the Room

Someone told me that short posts sometimes worked better than long, dreary ones.




PMR-ians. (quote Grace Goh)

(Yes, I'm lazy.)